FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's North American Tour With PAPA ROACH, I PREVAIL And ICE NINE KILLS Has Been Officially Canceled

September 3, 2020

FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's North American tour with PAPA ROACH, I PREVAIL and ICE NINE KILLS has officially been canceled. The trek was originally set to take place this past spring before being rescheduled for the fall due to the coronavirus pandemic which is sweeping the globe.

Earlier today, FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH released the following statement via social media: "We were really looking forward to get the green light for hitting the road in 2020. As it stands - and probably as no surprise to you - our Fall tour with @paparoach, @iprevailband and @ice9kills unfortunately has to be cancelled. Rest assured, we are watching the situation very closely and we will be back on the road the moment it becomes possible.

"We hope to see you guys soon and in the meantime, follow us on social media for news, new music, special announcements, giveaways and all kinds of surprises.

"All tickets will be automatically refunded. For additional information about refunds, please visit, or wherever your ticket was purchased."

As previously reported, the second installment of FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's greatest-hits collection, "A Decade Of Destruction - Volume 2", is now available for pre-order on CD, orange double vinyl, plus pre-release exclusive purple double vinyl and pre-release exclusive white double vinyl from Better Noise Music.

"A Decade Of Destruction - Volume 2" includes four previously unreleased tracks: "Broken World", a Steve Aoki remix of "Bad Company", a Joe Hahn remix of "Wash It All Away", a Felmax remix of "Trouble" and a new acoustic version of "Wrong Side Of Heaven".

FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's latest album, "F8", was released in February. The follow-up to 2018's "And Justice For None" capped a turbulent period for FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH in which singer Ivan Moody finally got sober after a near-fatal struggle with addiction, while co-founding drummer Jeremy Spencer bowed out of the band due to physical issues.

Much of "F8"'s lyrical content deals with Moody's battle with addiction, its aftermath and his recovery. The singer celebrated two years of sobriety in March.

FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's new disc was once again helmed by Kevin Churko, the Canadian record producer/engineer and songwriter who currently lives in Las Vegas, where he works out of his private studio, The Hideout Recording Studio. The drums on the LP were laid down by Charlie "The Engine" Engen, who made his live debut with the group during its fall 2018 tour with BREAKING BENJAMIN.

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To All Our Fans - We were really looking forward to get the green light for hitting the road in 2020. As it stands - and probably as no surprise to you - our Fall tour with @paparoach, @iprevailband and @ice9kills unfortunately has to be cancelled. Rest assured, we are watching the situation very closely and we will be back on the road the moment it becomes possible ??? We hope to see you guys soon and in the meantime, follow us on social media for news, new music, special announcements, giveaways and all kinds of surprises. ?? All tickets will be automatically refunded. For additional information about refunds, please visit, or wherever your ticket was purchased. ? Five Finger Death Punch ?

A post shared by Five Finger Death Punch (@5fdp) on

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